
Retail Management, 13th Edition (Global) – eBook PDF


For courses in Retail Management.

eBook details

  • Authors: Joel R.Evans, Patrali M. Chatterjee, Barry R. Berman
  • File Size: 35 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 592 Pages
  • Publisher: Pearson Education Limited; 13th global edition (2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0133796841 / 1292214678
  • ISBN-13: 9781292214672, 9780133796841


Retail Management, 13th Edition (Global) – eBook PDF

A contemporary etextbook that helps readers thrive in today’s retailing industry –  Retail Management: A Strategic Approach 13th edition (global) is built on the fundamental principle that retailers have to plan for and adapt to a changing, complex environment. Without a pre-defined and well-integrated strategy, retailers may flounder and be unable to cope with the environment that surrounds them. This PDF ebook helps students and readers become good retail planners and decision makers. The Thirteenth Edition incorporates updated data that reflects the current world economic climate, extensive coverage of omnichannel retailing, and many new vignettes, cases, and questions so that students and readers can thrive in today’s retailing industry.


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